Veredilia: The Sacred Forest Indie'd 2023

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Veredilia: The Sacred Forest Indie'd 2023

Post by Giga6152 »

Veredilia Centred Alt.png
Veredilia Centred Alt.png (973.97 KiB) Viewed 8387 times
Veredilia Centred Alt.png
Veredilia Centred Alt.png (973.97 KiB) Viewed 8387 times
Veredilia: The Sacred Forest is a 2D platforming game that takes inspiration from classic platformers such as Sonic, and fighting games like Mortal Kombat. The game aims to be a combination of classic 2D platforming with 1v1 fighting whilst also exploring the large forest of Veredilia across various locales with a wide range of characters, technical movesets, and flashy combos. You can take control of one of 3 characters, each with their own special moves, combos, and super moves. Solve puzzles, uncover secrets, and kick, punch and slash your way to victory, before it's too late. Do you have what it takes?

This game had began in roughly April-May 2019 and has undergone many changes and additions, being currently developed in Game Maker Studio 2.3. This was originally developed alongside another Sonic fan game at the same time but due to conflicts with work and social activities in real life, this project has become my main priority. Nonetheless, it takes many inspirations from many of my past fan games, which have been huge learning experiences for me.

A demo is expected to be released in September for SAGE 2023, and later on for Chao Games Showcase for this year. At this time most of the content I want for it is completed, there is more work to be done, but I am pushing hard along with the rest of the team to make that a possibility.
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Veredilia The Sacred Forest (HTI Indie'd 2023 Demo).zip
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Veredilia The Sacred Forest (HTI Indie'd 2023 Demo).zip
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Re: Veredilia: The Sacred Forest Indie'd 2023

Post by Flapperultra »

Feedback form

Please answer a few questions from this form in order to give feedback to the developer about your experience and opinions with their game.

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