Hey guys, just wanted to say great work on this demo. It's really fun, the level design is pretty solid, the pixel art is beautiful. You've got a lot of neat little touches troughout like the checkpoints being a hybrid between the classic checkpoint and the beta design from Sonic 2 (16-bit). The minecart setpiece is done really well. Kinda reminds me of those spindash sections from Sonic 3D Blast, except you can controll them. The quicksand in the boss area is an absolutelly brilliant way of solving the problem of Sonic having controll on the slope with the Megadrive physics. Wish I'd thought of that. Though, I'd suggest making the quicksand a mechanic in the level itself, so that it doesn't come out of nowhere just for a single appearance in the boss fight. You also managed to fit in the springs section in the level design (you probably know what I'm refering to) and have it work well. I also found a few bugs. Pretty inconsequential stuff, nothing major, but I thought I'd do my due diligence and make a short bug report anyway. And for clarification before you ask, I am running version
The first one isn't really even a glitch, just a slight oversight. Due to different layer priorities of different chunks, part of Sonic shows, where it's not supposed to.
The colapsable platforms sometimes collapse when Sonic isn't standing on top of them. That happens because the Harmony framework (and from what I can tell most Game Maker Sonic frameworks in general) just checks if the player is within the collision of the platform and if they're in a grounded state. Here are a few examples where those conditions are technically satisfied, but the platform shouldn't be collapsing.
A pretty simple and easy (though I suppose slightly unelegant) fix would be an extra condition in the if statement that checks if the player's y_position has a greater value than the platform's.
You can get regular control of Sonic while in the minecart if you jump and touch the loop's top part while holding down. I'm assuming there's a conflict between player states.
And lastly, in act 3 you can get bellow the lava if you build enough speed.
Anyway, can't wait for the next release. Good luck with the project guys.
P.S. Forgot to include this picture of misaligned chunks: