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Sonic Legends is an unofficial, non-profit fan project inspired by the 2D Sonic the Hedgehog series of games. Its main goal is to update and re-invent over 20 year of history within the Sonic fangaming scene. Every featured Zone has been re-imagined for a modern outing by redesigning them from the ground up in all aspects, adding flair and polish similar to 2017’s Sonic Mania.
Beginning development in late 2017, Sonic Legends has gone through many iterations. Starting out simple as a modification for Sonic Mania, it is currently developed as a fully-fledged project within Game Maker Studio 2.
Beginning development in late 2017, Sonic Legends has gone through many iterations. Starting out simple as a modification for Sonic Mania, it is currently developed as a fully-fledged project within Game Maker Studio 2.
The nefarious Dr. Eggman is at it again!
Just off the trickling coast at the edge of Sonic’s birthplace, Christmas Island, stands the glorious Sunrise Gate and the power source embedded deep in its majesty, Phossil - the doctor’s old go-to for his dastardly schemes. After emerging out of a Charged-up Chaos Ring; traversing through treacherous and unusual locales. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy must collect the Chaos Emeralds and put a stop to Dr. Eggman once more! The state of the Nexus Dimension is in your hands!
Go, Sonic! Everyone is counting on you!
SCREENSHOTSJust off the trickling coast at the edge of Sonic’s birthplace, Christmas Island, stands the glorious Sunrise Gate and the power source embedded deep in its majesty, Phossil - the doctor’s old go-to for his dastardly schemes. After emerging out of a Charged-up Chaos Ring; traversing through treacherous and unusual locales. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy must collect the Chaos Emeralds and put a stop to Dr. Eggman once more! The state of the Nexus Dimension is in your hands!
Go, Sonic! Everyone is counting on you!
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