Sonic Requeset CGS 2024 Demo

Submission booths for the Chao Games Showcase 2024
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Sonic Requeset CGS 2024 Demo

Post by fwugFaz »

Sonic Requeset is "a generic Sonic fangame". Aiming to be a fangame that looks simple and generic, but is an actual full and polished experience.

I've been really quiet on this game as of late working on its 3rd demo (alongside other projects), and I figure it's time to give people something somewhat new. Since I missed out on SAGE, I'll try CGS this time.

This NEW demo includes:
  • The same 2 zones from the SAGE 2023 demo, except some level layout and art assets have been altered.
    • sprLevelSelectIcons_0.png
      sprLevelSelectIcons_0.png (1.3 KiB) Viewed 3884 times
      sprLevelSelectIcons_0.png (1.3 KiB) Viewed 3884 times
      The "Green Hill Zone" of the game. Now featuring a new Act 2 boss and a new starting area for Knuckles
    • sprLevelSelectIcons_5.png
      sprLevelSelectIcons_5.png (1.41 KiB) Viewed 3884 times
      sprLevelSelectIcons_5.png (1.41 KiB) Viewed 3884 times
      A lava siphoning plant Dr. Eggman has created in a once beautiful volcanic valley. Now featuring a work in progress 3rd act that's on a train (for half of it at least.)
  • 5 Playable characters to choose from, and maybe more with a little digging.
    • sprContinueIcons_0.png
      sprContinueIcons_0.png (339 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      sprContinueIcons_0.png (339 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      Sonic the Hedgehog, complete with his Drop Dash from Sonic Mania, and the insta-shield from Sonic 3 mapped to [X]
    • sprContinueIcons_1.png
      sprContinueIcons_1.png (339 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      sprContinueIcons_1.png (339 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      Miles "Tails" Prower, with his standard Sonic 3 moveset.
    • sprContinueIcons_2.png
      sprContinueIcons_2.png (348 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      sprContinueIcons_2.png (348 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      Knuckles the Echidna, also with his standard Sonic 3 moveset.
    • sprContinueIcons_3.png
      sprContinueIcons_3.png (380 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      sprContinueIcons_3.png (380 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      Ring the Hedgehog, a newcomer and native resident to this location. He is packed with his Star Jump, a floaty double jump, and his Star Kick, which acts as a downward homing attack. He also does not spindash, but instead can barrel on through with his Rev-Dash. Don't forget to fully charge it.
    • sprContinueIcons_4.png
      sprContinueIcons_4.png (336 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      sprContinueIcons_4.png (336 Bytes) Viewed 3884 times
      Amy Rose, now containing an ability that's a mashup of her abilities from Sonic Origins and Sonic Superstars.
Z or A - Jump
X or S - Action (like shield abilities)
Q - Special (Not used in this demo)
Enter - Pause game

This game should also work with XInput compliant controllers, like Xbox 360/One/Series X.

Have fun with the game :)

[Edit 11/9/24] CRASHFIX
-- Fixed a crash that happens if you die in RFZ2, MFZ2 or MFZ3 if you die too close to the start of the level.
-- Fixed an oversight and subsequent crash in one of the Bonus Stages
-- Brought back Amy's Hammer Bounce from the SAGE Demo, togglable with the newer ability in the options menu.
(The forum won't let me upload the bugfix, so here's a drive link)

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Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:29 am

Re: Sonic Requeset CGS 2024 Demo

Post by CrystalOfficialsYT »

fwugFaz wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:05 am
Sonic Requeset is "a generic Sonic fangame". Aiming to be a fangame that looks simple and generic, but is an actual full and polished experience.

I've been really quiet on this game as of late working on its 3rd demo (alongside other projects), and I figure it's time to give people something somewhat new. Since I missed out on SAGE, I'll try CGS this time.

This NEW demo includes:
  • The same 2 zones from the SAGE 2023 demo, except some level layout and art assets have been altered.
    • sprLevelSelectIcons_0.png The "Green Hill Zone" of the game. Now featuring a new Act 2 boss and a new starting area for Knuckles
    • sprLevelSelectIcons_5.png A lava siphoning plant Dr. Eggman has created in a once beautiful volcanic valley. Now featuring a work in progress 3rd act that's on a train (for half of it at least.)
  • 5 Playable characters to choose from, and maybe more with a little digging.
    • sprContinueIcons_0.pngSonic the Hedgehog, complete with his Drop Dash from Sonic Mania, and the insta-shield from Sonic 3 mapped to [X]
    • sprContinueIcons_1.pngMiles "Tails" Prower, with his standard Sonic 3 moveset.
    • sprContinueIcons_2.pngKnuckles the Echidna, also with his standard Sonic 3 moveset.
    • sprContinueIcons_3.pngRing the Hedgehog, a newcomer and native resident to this location. He is packed with his Star Jump, a floaty double jump, and his Star Kick, which acts as a downward homing attack. He also does not spindash, but instead can barrel on through with his Rev-Dash. Don't forget to fully charge it.
    • sprContinueIcons_4.pngAmy Rose, now containing an ability that's a mashup of her abilities from Sonic Origins and Sonic Superstars.
Z or A - Jump
X or S - Action (like shield abilities)
Q - Special (Not used in this demo)
Enter - Pause game

This game should also work with XInput compliant controllers, like Xbox 360/One/Series X.

Have fun with the game :)

[Edit 11/9/24] CRASHFIX
-- Fixed a crash that happens if you die in RFZ2, MFZ2 or MFZ3 if you die too close to the start of the level.
-- Fixed an oversight and subsequent crash in one of the Bonus Stages
-- Brought back Amy's Hammer Bounce from the SAGE Demo, togglable with the newer ability in the options menu.
(The forum won't let me upload the bugfix, so here's a drive link)

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